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Why Do Satanists Wear Red Shoes?

1-9-2018 < Humans Are Free 7152 880 words
It has come to my attention that many public figures suspected of being Satanists are wearing red shoes.

So why are red shoes a big deal?

Because it is a Satanic symbol of child/human sacrifice. During the sacrificial rituals, the Satanists wear red shoes (claimed to be made of human leather) so when blood gets on the shoes, it does not show.

I'm not saying that all these celebrities that are wearing red shoes are part of this Satanic club. I'm sure that many don't have a clue about the symbolism of the red shoes. This piece is not about them, and I am sure that if they would be aware, they would throw the shoes in the trash immediately.

This being said, let's follow the evidence and make some connections.

Here's Tony Podesta (known Spirit Cooker) and some of his powerful friends, all wearing red shoes, as well as some creepy paintings from his favorite "artist", Biljana Djurdjevic:

In the following snapshot, we can see Alex Soros, the son of George Soros, wearing red shoes at a Spirit Cooking dinner — the description for the picture is "Devil's Heaven #TonightWeDineInHell!":

His father, the notorious George Soros, is also connected to the PizzaGate scandal. It has been discovered that Soros, an international multi-billionaire, was a donor to the now infamous pizza shop Comet Ping Pong, which was at the center of the PizzaGate scandal.

No wonder that George Soros has been identified as the force behind the social media censorship!

The front man of this attack on free speech and democracy is none other than James Brock, a Clinton shill that was caught laundering money, and the former boyfriend of James Alefantis, which is the owner of Comet Ping Pong.

That's quite a shocking connection, if you ask me.

Another infamous public figure that wears red shoes (reportedly from the same brand as Tony Podesta, i.e. Prada) is none other that the former head of the Catholic Church, Pope Benedict (born Joseph Alois Ratzinger):

Up to 500 Children Abused at Catholic Boys’ Choir Run by Pope Benedict’s Brother

Tom Hanks has been recently accused of buying a girl from her father when she was just 13 years old, sexually abused her, as well as pimped her to high ranking pedophiles. If this wasn't enough, actor Isaac Kappy also accused Hanks of being a pedophile. You can read more on the subject HERE.

Important to note before going any further is that fact Tom Hanks' Instagram account is filled with pictures of single shoes, socks or gloves.

And now the kicker: when Hanks was younger, he starred in a movie called "The Man With One Red Shoe":

That's pretty strange, if you ask me.

Here is Bill Maher dressed as a wizard, also wearing red shoes:

And no, it wasn't just once:

Some very interesting facts about Bill Maher. His film production company is called "Kid Love Productions." I'm not joking, that's really what it's called. During his shows, Maher repeatedly defended pedophiles (quotes in the following image):

And that's only the beginning...

In 1991 he made a film called "Pizza Man", in which he starred. I remind you that "pizza"/"pizza party" is a pedophile code for "sex with children". Let that sink in!

Also interesting to note, the climax of the film is Bill Maher's character killing Donald Trump.

This is very creepy stuff!

Clearly, Donald Trump was never part of their Satanic cult and must have caused them some kind of troubles over the years.

I wish I knew the whole truth, because from the moment that he announced his intention to run for President, the whole hell broke loose. And when I say "hell", I really mean "hell." All these Hollywood pedo Satanists have started attacking Trump, mocking him, trying to impeach him, and even "joked" about harming or killing him.

When has joking about murdering a President become acceptable?

And guess who else stated that he would kill Trump? None other than Anthony Bourdain, who said "I'd cook hemlock for President Trump" if given the opportunity. Hemlock is a poisonous plant that has been used as a method of execution. So what he really said is that he would kill President Trump if given the chance.

If you want to see some really creepy pictures from the Instagram accounts of Anthony Bourdain and his then-wife, Asia Argento, then follow THIS LINK. Their accounts are littered with Satanic symbolism, and not-so-subtle hints of cannibalism and pedophilia.

Asia Argento, a self-confessed witch accused of pedophilia, has posted a picture of her with their daughter wearing red shoes, with the caption "red shoes". This is what Anthony Bourdain decided to comment on her post: "And I won't get any older now the angels want to wear my red shoes."

