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This Election Is Trump’s to Lose

27-6-2024 < Attack the System 13 433 words

This Election Is Trump’s to Lose


By Ben Shapiro

Here’s what the former president needs to do to avoid losing ground in the debate tonight.


3 Questions CNN Hosts Should Ask Biden at Debate


By Jon Sutz

Anyone who’s sane, sober, and informed knows that Jake Tapper and Dana Bash are going to be loaded with tough questions for former President Donald Trump. Here are 3 they should ask President Joe Biden.


Emergency Exposes Folly of DEI in Medicine


By Victor Joecks

When you’ve got a screaming child with a broken arm, your only priority is finding someone who can help. You don’t care about their skin color, sex, or orientation.


Here’s the Truth About the ‘Pay Your Fair Share’ Malarkey


By Preston Brashers

The Left says the rich don’t pay their “fair share” of taxes and that our problems would be solved if they handed over more money to government. Here are three problems with that argument.


2+ 2=DEI?: Math Teachers Group Gratuitously Infuses Identity Politics in Lessons


By Elizabeth Troutman

The world’s largest math education organization is injecting identity politics where it doesn’t belong—and undermining math education in the process.


Hunter Laptop Vindicated After Media Deniers May Have Tilted Election


By Fred Lucas

Censoring Hunter Biden’s notorious laptop may have swung the 2020 election for Joe Biden, even though the laptop has now been verified in court.


ICYMI: EXCLUSIVE—Miss Maryland Contestants Push Back After Male Winner Steals Their Crown


By Mary Margaret Olohan

When Miss Maryland USA crowns a man the winner, some other contestants think they didn’t get the fair and supportive environment they were promised.

