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Hot debt summer

28-6-2024 < Attack the System 27 224 words
Buy the ticket, take the ride… go into crippling debt?

Summer is in full swing, and Independence Day is approaching. That means plenty of people are entering vacation mode. But these trips also put a good chunk of young people into debt, writes Business Insider’s John Towfighi.

Surveys from Credit Karma, Bankrate, and Bank of America show Gen Zers and millennials are willing to go on summer vacation at all costs… literally.

Almost half of millennials surveyed (47%) were willing to take on debt to fund their travel plans, with Gen Z not far behind (42%). (However, it’s not just young people. A third of Americans were happy to swipe their way to their next trip, according to Bankrate’s report.)

Multiple surveys also found young people are willing to put travel plans ahead of their financial goals. In fairness, you’ll always be saving for something, but you can’t frolic on the Amalfi Coast in your 20s forever.

To be clear, we’re not talking about a couple of overdraft fees to make it through a long weekend on the beach.

Almost a quarter of young people surveyed by Credit Karma expected to rack up $2,000 in debt this summer. And about 10% of that group were willing to push it even further, surpassing $4,000 in summer debt.
