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19 simple therapist insights that instantly transformed people’s lives

2-7-2024 < Attack the System 14 1138 words


One piece of advice can change everything.
A good therapist has the magical ability to take our messiest problems and break them down in a way that makes sense. They have an incredible way of showing us our struggles from a fresh perspective and quite often, the answers were right in front of our faces the whole time. We just needed their help to nudge us in the right direction.
For some, a therapist’s simple, sage wisdom can change their lives with just one poignant realization.
Recently, a Redditor named BuildingBridges23 asked people on the subforum to share the priceless bits of wisdom that changed their lives and over 5,300 people responded. The pithy but powerful observations they shared were helpful to many people and more than one called the thread “free therapy.”
Here are 19 of the best responses to the question: “What’s something your therapist said that was life-changing?”

Moments like these can change a person’s life.
No matter who we are or where we live, we all have occasional bad days—and it can be surprising how quickly someone’s words or actions can make your day worse or better.
A woman shared a story on Reddit that showcases how one small and simple act of kindness can have a big lasting impact, prompting others to share their own stories.
Reddit user klem528 explained that she was “having a day” and crying in her car as she pulled into a frozen yogurt store parking lot one day.
“I caught a glimpse of a teenage girl and dad in the car next to me while I was crying,” she wrote. “When I came back after eating the fro you, their car was gone but this was in my door handle.”


Are you going on a vacation this summer?

Yes, I’m traveling internationally
Yes, I’m traveling somewhere in the U.S.
Yes, but I’m staying close to home this summer
I’d like to travel but won’t be able to this year

More than 33 million people have already made this the feel good song of the year.
Some songs make people emotional. It may be because the song has special meaning for them or because the musical arrangement is so beautiful that it activates something within causing tears to flow. Babies are not immune to being moved by music but typically they don’t request the song that brings them to tears.
Jillian James posted a video to social media that shows her toddler son laying on her chest seemingly preparing for nap time. The little guys requests that his mom sing the lullaby, “You Are My Sunshine” but before obliging the request, James asks multiple times if he’s sure. Apparently, the sweet song makes the toddler cry every time he hears it. Nevertheless, he persists with his request to hear “sunshine.”

“I don’t help her clean, do laundry, take care of the kids — none of that.”
Even though America has come a long way in gender relations over the past few decades men are still far behind women when accepting domestic responsibilities.
A recent study from the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ American Time Use Survey found that women aged 15 and over spend 5.7 hours daily on domestic tasks, whereas men spend 3.6 hours, a 37 percent difference. Women with a 35-hour week devote 4.9 hours daily to home chores and child care, compared to men’s 3.8 hours.
In a world where men still trail behind women when it comes to work on the homefront, a Texas UPS driver is going viral for a TikTok video where he urges men to reconsider how they think about domestic responsibilities.
In a video with over 6 million views, J.R. Minton proudly says he doesn’t “help” his wife with jobs around the house. “I don’t help my wife cook. I don’t help her clean, do laundry, take care of the kids — none of that,” Minton, 32, began his clip.

