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Selected Articles: Journalist Bisan Owda Trapped in Gaza: “It’s a Game of Death and Hunger”

3-7-2024 < Global Research 11 622 words

Journalist Bisan Owda Trapped in Gaza: “It’s a Game of Death and Hunger” There Is No Place to Go. “Genocide by Design”

By Mark Taliano, July 02, 2024

The terrorists, she explains, are wearing soldier uniforms. They behead children, they blow up homes with people in them. She correctly blames ”silent spectators” to this Western/Zionist perpetrated genocide, and says “they will have their turn.”

The Supreme Court Makes the President a Dictator for Life

By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, July 03, 2024

In a devastating 6-3 ruling in Trump v. United States that is equal parts politically short-sighted, self-servingly partisan, and utterly devoid of any pretense that the president is anything other than a dictator, the Supreme Court has validated what Richard Nixon once claimed: “When the president does it, that means that it is not illegal.”

Iran’s Presidential Election Goes to the Second Round

By Prof. Akbar E. Torbat, July 03, 2024

The first round of Iran’s presidential elections was held on June 28 (Tir 8). Despite the government’s high propaganda to encourage participation, the turnout was very low, as only 24, 535, 185 or 40% of 61, 452, 321 eligible voters voted to elect the ninth president of Iran, a historic low.  

Demonstrations Continue in Kenya as Youth Call for the Resignation of President Ruto

By Abayomi Azikiwe, July 03, 2024

Since June 18, youth-led demonstrations have been met with repression resulting in the deaths of at least 39 people according to the Kenyan National Human Rights Commission, a government-funded agency.

Large Maneuvers of War in Europe Under US Command. Manlio Dinucci

By Manlio Dinucci, July 03, 2024

President Biden authorized Ukraine to “conduct limited attacks inside Russia with American-made weapons,” U.S. officials said. Some U.S. allies had already gone further. Britain weeks ago allowed Ukraine to use its long-range Storm Shadow missile systems for attacks anywhere in Russia, and France and Germany recently took the same position. 

Bird Flu — Another Attempt to Control the Food System and Make a Profit. A New Wave of Fearmongering Begins – Should You be Concerned?

By Dr. Ashley Armstrong, July 02, 2024

Let the fearmongering begin (again)! Propaganda efforts are making people believe humans can die from the bird flu and that we must “do our part” in preventing the next global pandemic. Wear masks, social distance, sanitize everything, get tested, get vaccinated … It’s kind of like “COVID-19,” but now in dairy cows!

Dangerous Crossroads: Germany Expanding Intelligence Services Amid Its “Preparation for War” with Russia

By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, July 02, 2024

Germany continues its irrational “preparation for war” against Russia. Recent media reports indicate that the country’s military counterintelligence service is about to receive additional support to prepare itself against foreign threats in the event of a conflict with Russia.
